World Prematurity Day is observed annually on November 17 and raises awareness of this serious health crisis. The day was initiated by the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFNCI) along with partnering organizations in Europe. One of the most well-known international co-founding organizations is the March of Dimes. Since its inception in … Continued

Thanks for Your Support this September!

As Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness (NICA) month comes to a close, those of us at Brave Beginnings would like to thank all of you who have shown your support for families spending time in the neonatal intensive care unit, along with the health professionals who care for them. The month opened with our latest Public … Continued

Brave Beginnings’ “History’s Preemies- Sir Isaac Newton” released during Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month

Brave Beginnings is proud to join the list of organizations nationwide participating in Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness (NICA) Month. In our latest animated Public Service Announcement (PSA) highlighting one of history’s most famous preemies, Sir Isaac Newton, Brave Beginnings helps educate viewers on the overwhelming need for life-saving neonatal equipment in hospitals. NICA Month is designed … Continued