World Prematurity Day is observed annually on November 17 and raises awareness of this serious health crisis. The day was initiated by the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFNCI) along with partnering organizations in Europe. One of the most well-known international co-founding organizations is the March of Dimes. Since its inception in … Continued

It’s Brave Beginnings Grant Application Time!

This time of year, we hear from many hospitals around the country who need more and/or better equipment for their neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  Most of the hospitals seeking grants already have some state-of-the-art equipment, but due to the volume of premature births they are managing, it’s not enough. Ask any doctor, nurse, or … Continued

John Cena Stars In PSA For Brave Beginnings And Exhibitors’ Campaign To Aid Premature Babies

    by David Robb January 10, 2019 2:09 PM   EXCLUSIVE: John Cena, the actor and pro wrestling champion, will be appearing on theater screens all across the country this summer in a 30-second PSA urging movie-goers to support the work of Brave Beginnings, an initiative of the Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation that’s helped … Continued